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To bad I can’t do

<P>To bad I can’t do this in real time. Here I am at 35,000 feet headed for Honolulu and we have a real life CNN moment getting ready to take place. These 2&nbsp;idiot’s that&nbsp;are sitting directly in front of me got on the aircraft drunk as a skunk.&nbsp;They slipped by the stew’s and as soon as we take-off what ever he has been&nbsp;drinking prior to our 11am departure is catching up with him. As soon as wheels were up one them&nbsp;bolts for the head and after about 90 minutes the stew ask his co-hort to go se if he is ok.</P>
<P>Well he comes back to his seat with a lot more color in his face and I can tell this boy is going to be hurting before the flight is over as he is consuming mass quantities of water. Well to top it off and I am just about losing my mind the drink cart comes by and the stew serves the one that has been holding his own another beer. This pisses me off more than the two drunks.</P>
<P>So we shall see how the flight goes. I have flown hung over before and so long as you have a liberal amount of water to drink you can recover but these 2 are going to get to feel a hangover like they have never had before. :)</P>

War on the Horizon

<P>I am about sick of hearing North Korea talking smack. I read an article today that said they were going to detonate a nuclear weapon in American cities if we attack them. Are they stark raving mad. Do they have any idea what we could do to them. I know the world is short on parking space but I would hate to have to see Japan have to deal with the nuclear fallout. I think we need to send some Prozac to the North Korean Dictator. What is even more amazing is that the Chinese are allowing these fools to do what they are doing. The Chinese need to go jack slap these idiots. </P>
<P>So far as Iraq goes well we all have pretty much seen the writing on the wall. His days are numbered and the Iraqi people are going to be set free. I predict they will fold like a deck of cards in under 72 hours. Saddam will be dead or in exile and we will be on the road to cleaning this mess up in the middle east. But I can imagine the Saudi’s are scared to death. I wonder how they will deal with a Democratic Iraq.</P>
<P>God Bless America the home of the strong.</P>

Iraqi Troops Surrender

Don’t tell me this war is going to take a long time the Iraqi soldiers are so scared they surrendered to live fire training. [<A href=”http://www.sundaymirror.co.uk/news/news/page.cfm?objectid=12715943&amp;method=full&amp;siteid=106694″>Sunday Mirror</A>]

I have been a very

I have been a very busy boy. Seems there are never enough hours in a day. Someday when I am rich and famous 😉 I will have myself a professional assistant that will take care of the BS that I have to deal with every day. I am headed back to Hawaii in a few days Kids and Wife are ready for Dad to be home and I have about a million things to do at home that will probably keep me busy for a few weeks. My time in Texas has went fast. I am looking forward to my high speed Internet connection again. Hotels need to get there act together and get broadband . I am staying at an Residence Inn and they are way behind the power curve. No Cable Modem No WiFi which is really sad.


<P>I have been playing with Groove for the past couple of weeks. I am simply amazed at what can be accomplished these days. </P>
<P>If you are reading this the post it was generated inside a Groove Space that I have setup. What is even more powerful if I authorize another Groove user to join the space they could then post to the weblog. For those that want to try this out download groove and when you get setup let me know and we will&nbsp;experiment with it some more. <A href=”http://www.groove.net”>www.groove.net</A> </P>


I tell you it takes a lot to move me but if you love America and want some serious reading that will brighten your spirit for the day read this essay. “<A href=”http://www.ejectejecteject.com/archives/000035.html”>CONFIDENCE</A>”

Now I know

<P><FONT face=”Times New Roman,Times,Serif” size=4><U>A friend sent this:</U></FONT></P>
<H2><FONT face=”Times New Roman,Times,Serif” size=4>I sat in a movie theater watching “Schindler’s List,” asked myself, “Why didn’t the Jews fight back?”<BR><BR>Now I know why.<BR><BR>I sat in a movie theater, watching “Pearl Harbor” and asked myself, “Why weren’t we prepared?”<BR><BR>Now I know why.<BR><BR>Civilized people cannot fathom, much less predict, the actions of evil people.<BR><BR>On September 11, dozens of capable airplane passengers allowed themselves to be overpowered by a handful of poorly armed terrorists because they did not comprehend the depth of hatred that motivated their captors.<BR><BR>On September 11, thousands of innocent people were murdered because too many Americans naively reject the reality that some nations are dedicated to the dominance of others. Many political pundits, pacifists and media personnel want us to forget the carnage. They say we must focus on the bravery of the rescuers and ignore the cowardice of the killers. They implore us to understand the motivation of the perpetrators. Major television stations have announced they will assist the healing process by not replaying devastating footage of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers.<BR><BR>I will not be manipulated.<BR><BR>I will not pretend to understand.<BR><BR>I will not forget.<BR><BR>I will not forget the liberal media who abused freedom of the press to kick our country when it was vulnerable and hurting.<BR><BR>I will not forget that CBS anchor Dan Rather preceded President Bush’s address to the nation with the snide remark, “No matter how you feel about him, he is still our president.”<BR><BR>I will not forget that ABC TV anchor Peter Jennings questioned President Bush’s motives for not returning immediately to Washington, DC and commented, “We’re all pretty skeptical and cynical about Washington.”<BR><BR>And I will not forget that ABC’s Mark Halperin warned if reporters weren’t informed of every little detail of this war, they aren’t “likely — nor should they be expected — to show deference.”<BR><BR>I will not isolate myself from my fellow Americans by pretending an attack on the USS Cole in Yemen was not an attack on the United States of America.<BR><BR>I will not forget the Clinton administration equipped Islamic terrorists and their supporters with the world’s most sophisticated telecommunications equipment and encryption technology, thereby compromising America’s ability to trace terrorist radio, cell phone, land lines, faxes and modem communications.<BR><BR>I will not be appeased with pointless, quick retaliatory strikes like those perfected by the previous administration.<BR><BR>I will not be comforted by “feel-good, do nothing” regulations like the silly “Have your bags been under your control?” question at the airport.<BR><BR>I will not be influenced by so called,”antiwar demonstrators” who exploit the right of expression to chant anti-American obscenities.<BR><BR>I will not forget the moral victory handed the North Vietnamese by American war protesters who reviled and spat upon the returning soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines.<BR><BR>I will not be softened by the wishful thinking of pacifists who chose reassurance over reality.<BR><BR>I will embrace the wise words of Prime Minister Tony Blair who told Labor Party conference, “They have no moral inhibition on the slaughter of the innocent. If they could have murdered not 7,000 but 70,000, does anyone doubt they would have done so and rejoiced in it?<BR><BR>There is no compromise possible with such people, no meeting of minds, no point of understanding with such terror. Just a choice: defeat it or be defeated by it. &nbsp;And defeat it we must!”<BR><BR>I will force myself to:<BR><BR>-hear the weeping<BR>-feel the helplessness<BR>-imagine the terror<BR>-sense the panic<BR>-smell the burning flesh<BR>- </FONT><FONT face=”Times New Roman,Times,Serif” size=4>experience the loss<BR>- </FONT><FONT face=”Times New Roman,Times,Serif” size=4>remember the hatred.<BR><BR>I sat in a movie theater, watching “Private Ryan” and asked myself, “Where did they find the courage?”</FONT></H2>
<H2><FONT face=”Times New Roman,Times,Serif” size=5><FONT face=”Times New Roman,Times,Serif” size=4>Now I know.<BR><BR>We have no choice. Living without liberty is not living.<BR><BR>– Ed Evans, MGySgt., USMC (Ret.)<BR>Not as lean, Not as mean, But still a Marine.<BR></FONT></H2></FONT>

My year long project at

<P>My year long project at <A href=”http://www.geeknewscentral.com/”>Geek News Central</A> received a nice review yesterday. It’s nice when someone takes the time to look at the content and write a honest assesment. I am by far not a liteary genius those of you that have worked with me are probably laughing and shaking your head yes. But like anything else it is a work in progress.</P>
<P>I am still&nbsp;away from home and&nbsp;staying very busy. But I guess if were not busy I would be bored. My body is recovering from a hard workout at the gym last night. Why does getting in shape have to be so painful..</P>

Have you ever went to

<P>Have you ever went to bed early and still felt like you havent slept. That’s the mode I am in now it’s weird. But according to a lot of studies people are running around sleep deprived all the time so I am not surprised. I have been going to the Gym every day and I think my body is adjusting and needs time to repair all of those muscles I have not been working out in a while. </P>
<P>At least on this trip I get to talk to the kids and wife every night that helps the lonliness. But I am keeping busy work is consuming 12 hours plus every day like normal. Someday I will find myslef a regular job that pays well and only requires 40 hours a week.</P>

Duct Tape Anyone!

<P>We have all been watching the news and when officials in this country start saying some of the things they have been saying for the past week I think it behooves us to listen. If you haven’t followed the precautions that they have been outlining then I think it would be worth the minimal amount of money outlay to try and protect those you love and care for. God forbid one would have to tape up ones house but the alternative could be death if your not prepared. If it turns out that nothing happens then you will have some duct tape and plastic to use around the house and yard. I bet gas mask will start selling good. If anyone has a good location to buy a military quality gas mask and canister drop us a line. I wonder if you can even buy a quality gas mask on-line.</P>
<P>Keep your eyes open and stay vigilant. <A href=”http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A59412-2003Feb11.html”>Washington Post</A></P>