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Archive for January, 2003

The never ending Saga

<P>Working 12-15 hours a day can kick anyones butt and mind is pretty much kicked. I haven’t been this tired in a long time. My wife is pissed I haven’t seen the kids in awake in a month. So you can imagine the attitude at my house. After 19+ years in the US Navy you would think I would be used to it. </P>
<P>I hate to tell the junior sailors that I need them to work for the 3rd week&nbsp;straight.&nbsp;I can see it in there eyes that they need a break but they do there duty.&nbsp;I sometimes wonder if the American Public truly know what&nbsp;sacrifices these people are making.&nbsp;</P>
<P>The cause is just and we have sworn to protect and defend and that we will.&nbsp;</P>

Links to

Well folks I hope you like the new design I have some work to do to get it all setup I will be adding items as I get a chance. I was not happy with Blogger. I have some design issues on how to implement everything that was in the previous design

<P>I have decided to re-launch Todd’s Weblog and have employed a different publishing package.</P>