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Archive for 'personal'

Nothing like being laid up

I hate laying around it just does not fit my personality. But I am getting quite a few things done I have been putting off for awhile.
Going to raid the fridge and see what is lurking and feed my face.

Site design

I have been searching for a website designer to do some work for quite awhile and had a fast response from a gentleman today. Hopefully we can get this site and a couple of others looking better with some customization and better graphics.

I am using MT version 3 on this site as I used a canned template but the Geek News site has to be cleaned up before I can roll it over and use the new version and from what I have read on the developers site he looks like he is the perfect candidate to do the job.

I also have registered a couple of domain names that I will keep under wraps for now but they are Navy Centric and will revolve around being a Chief Petty Officer (my perspective). I will have to be careful with what I say on the new site and have to come up with some personal posting guidelines. I am still active duty and what you say can hurt you so I will need to keep that in perspective.

Home Sweet Home

Well I arrived home on the 15th and went to see my Neurosurgeon on the 16th he is pretty happy with what they did overseas and has put me on 30 days bed rest at home. Being not the type that likes to stay still this has me distressed a bit and I am sure after being home for the next month my wife is going to go stir crazy with me here.

My work is being great and the good thing about my job is it involves a great deal of computer work and I can do a lot at home. I spent 4-5 hours on the phone Thursday covering some issues so it is not like I am totally helpless.

But it is great to be back home with the kids and wife getting plenty of TLC. I told my daughter she could be my nurse and will make some extra allowance for helping dad around the house. Amazing what kids can do even when they are her age.

Links about my Injury

I have been getting a lot of e-mail from Family and Friends wanting more details here is what I sent my wife and mom and hopefully it will suffice.

There was some confusion my Injury was located at L1 and the fusion is between d12 to l2 I had compression-burst fracture and from what I have been reading I need to thank the lord for watching out for me as the majority of people that suffer this injury do not walk away. What is even more amazing is the bone fragments I had pushing against my spinal cord did not cut the spinal cord truly a miracle.

Spine Info


Headed Back

I am hoping that I am on a flight home tommorow accomodations for me with the condition my back is in is not that great at this local. Hopefully the plane tickets will come thru and I will have a seat that can accomodate me. I tell you it sure is great to walk around 12 days in the hospital room was enough for me.

I have taken the time while laid up today in the room to convert this site to a movabletype version 3 site. Bye Bye Radion Userland forever. I have some cleaning up of the code to do yet but it looks ok for now.

Some Details of my injuries

<FONT size=2>
<P>Some Details of my injuries sustained Jun 1st</P>
<P>First of all thanks for the well wishes. Well I have had a pretty big scare and came as close as any man would want to come to becoming paralyzed, even though I was severely injured I am damn lucky as all toes and parts are working as they should. By the number of e-mails wishing me well in my inbox and the number of you asking questions I wanted to&nbsp;post this and&nbsp;let you know I am doing ok and will be headed back to&nbsp;Hawaii in the next several days. </P>
<P>On June 1st I fell while having some fun at the pool with my crew who was scheduled to go home the next day. The facility we where staying at had a large water park type waterslide. Having probably slide down the thing 50 times over the past month I headed to the top to give it one more whirl. Upon reaching the launching area I simply slipped and fell in a swooping motion backwards. It was like someone had pulled the rug out from under my feet and I landed very hard and painfully on my tailbone. My body continued down the slide with me screaming. My&nbsp;co-workers where their to rescue me as I came pummeling out of the water slide and into the pool. They removed me from the pool as paramedics would and called an ambulance. Upon arrival at the hospital while strapped to a backboard drugs where administered to ease the pain to no affect (they fixed that later). The doctors initially thought I had bruised my tailbone muscle and after several screaming sessions with them poking a prodding got the good stuff out..</P>
<P>It took two sessions of x-ray’s followed by a Cat-Scan. They drugged me up heavily and put me to bed. It was determined the next morning that I had fractured a vertebrae in the T1 region with a bone having misplaced that was pressing against my spinal cord to pinch it by 60%. I was taken to surgery several hours later where they “jacked” my spine up got that bone away from spinal cord stabilized everything and used some steel plates and rods and screwed me together getting my alignment back to 80% normal which will result in my being a 1/8 inch shorter.</P>
<P>The prognosis is good I have no ill side effects all parts are moving as they are supposed to no tingling. I was in a body cast for 5 days and then fitted with a prosthetic device that immobilizes a part of my back and makes me walk like a robot. I am currently&nbsp;trying&nbsp;to get home&nbsp;I have been discharged from the hospital and can walk for short periods and am spending a lot of time on my back. </P>
<P>For the rest of the blood and gore I will save it for later as I definitely have some great stories. Reminder to all don’t get hurt in foreign countries as medicine outside the US is definitely different.</P>
<P>Thanks Again for the well wishes</P></FONT>

It is nice to see

It is nice to see when a mainstream publication finally comments on Al Gores comments that he made the other night. Thank goodness he was not the President I can not even imagine how he would have mucked things up. [<A href=”http://news.bostonherald.com/opinion/view.bg?articleid=29658″>Boston Hearld</A>]

As we approach 3 years

<P>As we approach 3 years since the events of 9/11 and some of those events become a not so distant memory my thoughts drift towards the widows and families that lost oved ones. I am sure their are thousands of stories to be shared but one of the best I have read recently revolves around a group of widows that call themselves “The Dead Wives Club” it is a refreshing story I hope you enjoy it. [<A href=”http://newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/news/sept11/features/9189/”>newyorkmetro.com</A>]</P>

Watching the News over the

<P>Watching the News over the past few days has left me with a very sick feeling in my stomach. I am terribly upset at what has transpired in an Prison in IRAQ. I am very sure the Army will hold those that are responsible accountable, my emotions cry out that these individuals have betrayed the trust they where intrusted with. </P>
<P>My personal feeling is that these idiots have done significant damage&nbsp;and have opened up a&nbsp;Pandora’s box. Do they not realize that the proper treatment of prisoners as outlined by the Geneva Convention is of the highest priority. What happens when&nbsp;the next military member&nbsp;is detained. Will he&nbsp;or she be subjected to torture because of the&nbsp;alleged&nbsp;actions. I cannot express publicly what I think should happen but needless to say the UCMJ will be brought to bear on these individuals. </P>
<P>I am ashamed when the President of the United States has to go on television to express his disgust. I can guarantee you when a President is Upset shit is going to roll downhill in a big way and I am sure there will be a very public prosecution of these individuals.</P>
<P>The United States Navy and the United States Marines live by&nbsp;the motto “Honor, Courage &amp; Commitment” these ideals shape our daily actions. I think the Army will need to step back and look at their Value system. The job we have been ordered to do is one that the majority of us support. The majority of us strive to do that job with the value system that has been instilled in us. It is a very sad day to have witnessed what the world has witnessed and should be a wake up call that you do not win the hearts and minds of people by the mistreatment of prisoners.</P>
<P>”The comments listed above are solely mine and may not be re-printed without explicit permission from the Author.” “The View of the Author&nbsp;is not an official statement of the United States of America”</P>

Wow what a interesting 2

Wow what a interesting 2 weeks I spend&nbsp; 4-5 days on the east coast then I turn around and head out to Japan for 5 days my body has no idea what time zone it is in and it will not be getting much better. Otherwise it looks like I will get a chance to wind down a little and not have to put in so many hours for the next couple of weeks as I have completed a bunch of primary projects. We are basically just doing clean up work on paperwork. I will say the last 3 months has been some of the most intense I have ever had to deal with.