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Archive for 'personal'

I have been so busy

<P>I have been so busy with my other sites I have had no time to work on this site which is sad. But those of you visiting the website will know who I am voting for this year.</P>

Well everyone is up in

<P>Well everyone is up in arms today on the President saying he want to go for a Constitutional Amendment to ban Gay marriages. I am not sure where I sit on this one. With the media shoving the gay lifestyle down our throats every day along with all the other heavy sexual material I guess it is time to pull the plug on the old TV for a while. With the majority of the people in the US against Gay marriage if it ever reached the ballot I am sure it would win. Time will tell…</P>

I about fell out of my chair today when Janet Jackson Breast was exposed during the Half Time show. The <A href=”http://www.drudgereport.com/mattjj.htm”>Drudge Report</A> has a few revealing pictures and I am sure someone will extract the full scene from their TIVO and put the clip on the net. CBS and MTV who produced the show are claiming it wasn’t planned but the question is why would she have a tassle cover the nipple?

State of the Union All

<P>State of the Union</P>
<P>All I can say is the President know how to bring the house down and he delivered what I would describe as one of the most impressive speeches I have heard in several years. “4 more years, 4 more years, 4 more years”</P>

Had to laugh today after

Had to laugh today after reading all of the weblogs around the US as a bunch of people are pretty shocked at Howard Dean getting his ass kicked last night in Iowa. Being the Democrats want another pretty boy running for president I doubt Kerry will be able to carry the day. My Guess is that Edwards will end up being the Democrats choice.

<P>I am 100% disgusted with Dave Winer over at Scripting News. I would love to leave him a comment on his site but he doesn’t have the sack to leave a comment button. He has said that he is not bothered when people compare <A href=”http://archive.scripting.com/2004/01/05#When:7:03:57PM”>Adolf Hitler to our President</A>.&nbsp;&nbsp;To agree with such a comparison is absolutely disgusting the man has no credibility. It goes to show how desperate the Left Wing Liberals are as&nbsp;they know down in their heart that they are totally screwed. Dean will be their candidate and he has a snowballs chance in Hell in winning in desperation they support what other lunatics are saying about our President.</P>
<P>Can you imagine the quagmire we would be in today if Al Gore had been president. Thank God we have the man that we do in office and you can damn well be sure that I am going to vote for him in November as his leadership will ensure that my children will live in a safer world.</P>

Person of the Year

<P>Time magazine has announced the Time person of the year as “The American Soldier” which is terrific but what troubles me about this is the wording. They refer that the award is for all American&nbsp;Military personnel&nbsp;well&nbsp;Hello Marines are not called Soldiers, Navy personnel are not called Soldiers, Airforce personnel are not called Soldiers only people in the US Army are called soldiers so they have there wording incorrect if they are trying to give credit to all American Military.</P>
<P>Many Marines, Navy, Airforce and even Coast Guard personnel&nbsp; hung there asses out on the line. Times has insulted 75% of the military by lumping all branches of service into calling all of them American Soldiers. Now if they where honoring just Army people that would be cool. Maybe I am reading more into this than I should but there where a lot of us out there&nbsp;in the fight&nbsp;it was not a 100% Army show.</P>

Introducing Chris Cochrane

I tell you what I like Radio Userland but I like Movable Type a hell of a lot more. I have tried to get pictures uploaded to this damn weblog&nbsp; for&nbsp;a couple of days and said the hell with it. You can view one of the better Baby pictures at this link. <A href=”http://www.cochranefamily.net/news.html”>cochranefamily.net</A>

Baby Cochrane Arrives

Shoko and I are happy to announce the arrival of the newest member of our family. He arrived by special delivery as an early Christmas present. Mom and Baby are resting and doing fine. Dad is wiped out and is going to catch 2-3 hours of sleep and back to the hospital. We weighed in at 6 lbs 9.6 oz and measured 18 1/2 inches long arriving screaming like there was no tommorow. His siblings attended the birth and did terrific.

Why isn’t the press reporting this Info on Iraq

Some of the parasites out there meaning some US News venues continue to play up the liberal press on there spin on what is happening in IRAQ but they sure did not report about the <A href=”http://www.instapundit.com/archives/012962.php”>massive demonstration</A> in IRAQ that was reportedly the biggest rally yet where banners read “No Sabotage” “Thank You America” and many more pro Americana and a surprising many anti-arab slogans. Seems a big percentage of Iraqis are not happy with how the Arab press is reporting on what is happening in Iraq