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Archive for 'personal'

I am sitting here eating

<P>I am sitting here eating my lunch. During my trip to Texas I was working out at the gym and trying to be healthy. Not an easy thing to do in Texas but I did manage to loose around 5 pounds during the month so I feel pretty good about it. The wife and I decided to try the Atkins Diet for a couple of months. We are day 2 into our 14 day induction cycle so we shall see how receptive I am to everything at day 14. But I want to shed another 10 to 20 pounds and if I can do that over the next 3-4 months I will be happy. I think the key is exercise. My goal is to be able to work out 5 days a week for at least 45 minutes each day. This will mean waking up at 4 versus 5 so that I can get the work-out done and into work on time. </P>
<P>When I was younger I was in terrific shape but after 20 years of playing hard and not enough exercise has left me a little heavier than I want to be. Considering everything I can’t complain. I have weighed around 185 for the past 10 years but recently that number keep creeping&nbsp; up a little higher. If I could get down to around 175 and maintain that weight I would be happy. Not sure what the national medium weight for 5′ 10″ is but I figure 175 is a good goal.</P>
<P>We shall see and I will keep you posted on the battle of the bulge.</P>

This does not happen very

<P>This does not happen very often but this country needed some good news and they got it tonight the missing <A href=”http://www.msnbc.com/news/884413.asp?0ql=crp”>Utah teen Elizabeth Smart was found today</A>.&nbsp;The two&nbsp;scum bag’s&nbsp;that were caught need to be brought out of the jail put in a public stockade and let the general public stone these two. The unfortunate thing is the Death Penalty is not an option but let’s hope the general population takes care of these two.</P>
<P>But thank goodness this young lady is back with here family. She is lucky and has beat the statistics.</P>

Well the drunks sitting in

<P>Well the drunks sitting in front of me passed out after about 4 hours and woke up looking real bad once we landed in Honolulu. That’s a way to start a vacation. :)</P>

I have been putting a

<P>I have been putting a quite a bit of effort into <A href=”http://www.geeknewscentral.com/”>Geek News Central</A> and I have been doing a great deal of reading and also following a large number of other Blog’s out there and I have noticed that Blogging appears to be a predominatly a liberal thing.&nbsp;I am sure I am going to receive massive hate mail over this but where the hell are all the conservatives. Talk Radio is dominated by the conservative cause but ohh boy the blogging world is very liberal.</P>
<P>At least it appears that way from the way&nbsp;<A href=”http://www.daypop.com/”>Daypop</A> tracks the popularity of posts</P>

To bad I can’t do

<P>To bad I can’t do this in real time. Here I am at 35,000 feet headed for Honolulu and we have a real life CNN moment getting ready to take place. These 2&nbsp;idiot’s that&nbsp;are sitting directly in front of me got on the aircraft drunk as a skunk.&nbsp;They slipped by the stew’s and as soon as we take-off what ever he has been&nbsp;drinking prior to our 11am departure is catching up with him. As soon as wheels were up one them&nbsp;bolts for the head and after about 90 minutes the stew ask his co-hort to go se if he is ok.</P>
<P>Well he comes back to his seat with a lot more color in his face and I can tell this boy is going to be hurting before the flight is over as he is consuming mass quantities of water. Well to top it off and I am just about losing my mind the drink cart comes by and the stew serves the one that has been holding his own another beer. This pisses me off more than the two drunks.</P>
<P>So we shall see how the flight goes. I have flown hung over before and so long as you have a liberal amount of water to drink you can recover but these 2 are going to get to feel a hangover like they have never had before. :)</P>

War on the Horizon

<P>I am about sick of hearing North Korea talking smack. I read an article today that said they were going to detonate a nuclear weapon in American cities if we attack them. Are they stark raving mad. Do they have any idea what we could do to them. I know the world is short on parking space but I would hate to have to see Japan have to deal with the nuclear fallout. I think we need to send some Prozac to the North Korean Dictator. What is even more amazing is that the Chinese are allowing these fools to do what they are doing. The Chinese need to go jack slap these idiots. </P>
<P>So far as Iraq goes well we all have pretty much seen the writing on the wall. His days are numbered and the Iraqi people are going to be set free. I predict they will fold like a deck of cards in under 72 hours. Saddam will be dead or in exile and we will be on the road to cleaning this mess up in the middle east. But I can imagine the Saudi’s are scared to death. I wonder how they will deal with a Democratic Iraq.</P>
<P>God Bless America the home of the strong.</P>

Iraqi Troops Surrender

Don’t tell me this war is going to take a long time the Iraqi soldiers are so scared they surrendered to live fire training. [<A href=”http://www.sundaymirror.co.uk/news/news/page.cfm?objectid=12715943&amp;method=full&amp;siteid=106694″>Sunday Mirror</A>]

I have been a very

I have been a very busy boy. Seems there are never enough hours in a day. Someday when I am rich and famous 😉 I will have myself a professional assistant that will take care of the BS that I have to deal with every day. I am headed back to Hawaii in a few days Kids and Wife are ready for Dad to be home and I have about a million things to do at home that will probably keep me busy for a few weeks. My time in Texas has went fast. I am looking forward to my high speed Internet connection again. Hotels need to get there act together and get broadband . I am staying at an Residence Inn and they are way behind the power curve. No Cable Modem No WiFi which is really sad.


<P>I have been playing with Groove for the past couple of weeks. I am simply amazed at what can be accomplished these days. </P>
<P>If you are reading this the post it was generated inside a Groove Space that I have setup. What is even more powerful if I authorize another Groove user to join the space they could then post to the weblog. For those that want to try this out download groove and when you get setup let me know and we will&nbsp;experiment with it some more. <A href=”http://www.groove.net”>www.groove.net</A> </P>


I tell you it takes a lot to move me but if you love America and want some serious reading that will brighten your spirit for the day read this essay. “<A href=”http://www.ejectejecteject.com/archives/000035.html”>CONFIDENCE</A>”