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Update on my Medical Condition

Went to see my Neurology doctor today, and after him asking me about 50 questions, taping on my knee’s and various other places and sending me to Radiology for 3 separate x-rays and over to the Brace shop to order me what’s called a LCL which supposedly cost about $5000.00 he gave me the thumbs up to return to work tomorrow.

I am a bit apprehensive as I still cannot sit straight up for long periods. Guess I will be taking frequent breaks. Hopefully I can keep up with the pace my job demands. I am not looking forward to spending 6 more weeks in the brace but hey it could have been much worse. Supposedly the LCL will be more comfortable. The attendant that measured me said I will loose about 10 pounds during the first month sounds good to me already lost 10 in the first brace and the wife is jealous. Physical Therapy will be lite for the first 6 weeks then he is going to cut them loose on me.. Oh boy!

Site Notices for the Dense:

* This site is NOT fair and balanced, nor does it purport to be. It’s owner is obviously a bit right of center and clearly thinks the far left are off their collective rockers (just kidding maybe). This should be readily apparent to anyone who has read more than one post here.

* This is a PERSONAL site. It is not representative of any media entity, therefore the words posted here are opinions, for the most part. As an independent quasi-journalist, the owner of this site is not beholden to any rules or ethics that demand fairness in reporting. Thus, you will see a lot of posts supporting the owner’s ideals and opinions, and not so many – probably none – supporting yours.

* The owner of this site is not a paid journalist and you are not his boss/editor. Therefore, he is under no obligation to write about the things you think he should be writing about. There are no editorial meetings held with his readers every morning to go over the day’s stories. This site is not run by a democratic process; the stories that get covered are the stories the owner feels like writing about that day. This site is run on whim and personal preferences.

* However, should you feel that you have some sort of right to determine what should and shouldn’t be printed here, you can feel free to supply a monthly (bi-weekly works as well) check made out to the owner of the site, making you his boss and securing an agreement that he will answer to you and allow you to make editorial decisions. The check would have to be a sufficient amount that would be worth the owner of this site giving up his personal freedom to post what he wants, when he wants. In other words, keep your editorial comments to yourself.

* Once again, the owner of this site would like to reiterate that this site is totally, completely biased and makes no apologies for it, nor should he. He pays the pays for the bandwidth, He pays for the hosting fees, he does this all on his spare time for free and if you really want to complain about free ice cream, he suggests that you can take that ice cream and – to put it nicely – fornicate yourself with it.

Thank you, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

I could not resist posting this thanks to asmallvictory a great daily read for you conservatives out there

It’s nice to see a article come out and do such a body slam on those who where pointing fingers last year and saying the president had lied when in fact it appears he was damn near dead center right. [www.suntimes.com/output/steyn/cst-edt-steyn11.html]

Kerry + Edwards Love Fest

I don’t care what side your on the link to this video is pretty damn funny. [www.noedesign.com/dev/KerryEdwards/index.html]

I am very saddened by a story I have read today where a Iraq Veteran was called a baby killer and murderer during a 4th of July parade. Shame on those people everyone has their right to a opinion but do not start Vietnam tactics and insult the boys coming home. [Seattle PI]

You would think this close to the DNC they would be getting the Fleet Center prepared very sad what is being reported. [www.brain-stream.com/blog/archives/000277.html]

Well seems since the Navy has to downsize by 7900 next year and the Air Force needing to downsize nearly 3 times that many the Army is looking to grab some of our sailors that are being forced out.

I really wonder how many of our sailors are going to want to trade Navy Blues for Cammies. The details have not been released but I am sure we will here a lot more about this in coming weeks. Here is the link it’s on the New York Times website so registration is required.[New York Times]

Seems several right leaning Bloggers where able to get press credebtials to the Democratic National Convention seems the DNC got cold feet and sent them a e-mail and canceled their credentials this is after they booked plane tickets and hotels. [INDC Journal] [John Tabin]

Bunch of Indian Givers

Looking for about 10 Republicans

I am looking for 10 Republican bloggers for a project this project will be fast tracked launched within 10 days if I find the right people to help me with it. If you are interested send me a note at [email protected] If you have written anything political on your own site provide me some links.

This is a very very serious endeavor and will draw significant traffic through the election.

Few Pics during and after my surgery


