Here’s the deal I want you to go to the site I have referenced and take the test that is on that page. If you can honestly say you can answer more than 65% of those questions correctly I want you to leave me a comment. My guess is about 90% of the people in this country can not pass this test given to 8th graders in 1895. [8th Grade Exam]
In Hawaii parking can be a bear at times. When we go downtown sometimes we park in a parking lot several miles from downtown and ride the bus the rest of the way in. I have a couple of spots that the tourist usually don’t find and if another local hasn’t parked their I get lucky.
To get on with the crux of the story check out what happened when this guy had his parking spot snagged. [Pacific Beach]
I have received a handful or header images today and they where all great. I replied to the designer and gave him a green light to proceed so I would imagine that we will have a new skin at some point in the neat future.
I had a great chat with a handful of people tonight on the RNC chat server. Great conversation about half politics and half about life. To that special Navy family in Wisconsin my prayers are with you and your husbands medical battle.
I will be checking in their from time to time and encourage those of you that want to talk politics or just meet some new friends to register and login. I am also looking for people here in Hawaii to join my RNC team.
I received this note today from the RNC as I am a Team Leader here in Hawaii.
Dear Todd,
Many Republican State Party Chairs sent the following letter to their Democratic counterparts today:
“America Coming Together (ACT) has claimed to reach over 2 million targeted households in their efforts to register Democratic voters to defeat President George W. Bush. This week in Arkansas the Kerry campaign hired a senior member of the ACT team to lead their state
efforts. Recently in Ohio the state Democratic Party declared that ACT will run the ground game for them.
Furthermore, today’s Kansas City Star reports that Charlene Davis, director of the Jackson County election board, said “many of the voter registration forms ACT workers had turned in contained inaccurate information” and called it “the worst I’ve ever seen.” Erroneous
information included forms filled out for residents of Kansas and Minnesota, and forms from people too young to vote.
ACT has admitted to sending felons convicted of sex crimes and assault to conduct voter registration efforts in as many as 17 states. Despite initial willingness to clarify their hiring process they now refuse to say whether they sent a murderer and a rapist door to door.
I hope you will make clear that the party of this state, under your direction, is not using similar tactics to register voters and in doing so reaffirm the validity of your activities.
As both our parties mount aggressive efforts to register new voters and encourage participation in the political process, I hope you will join me in repudiating these tactics to provide all voters the assurance that the election process is transparent, bipartisan, and fair.”
I can’t tell you enough how important our Party’s grassroots efforts are and how much pride we take in your role as Team Leaders. You make ours the hardest working, most efficient political team in the history of politics.
Keep up the great work
I saw a political advertisement today that was depressing. Everything I hear coming out of the man is doom and gloom. I keep hearing things he doesn’t like about Bush but he has nothing come out of his mouth about his own agenda.
After reviewing his voting record recently I am quite convinced that having this man in office would not be at all good for this country. Being Hawaii is about 60% democrat it is always fun to attend family events as the only Republican in the crowd and when we start talking politics I am amazed at what people say and when I challenge their facts on things and we go and look things up on the Internet I get a lot of shocked faces when the fact they are stating is wrong. Many times I hear that they learned this in union newsletters. The unions here in Hawaii must have political indoctrination meetings. I am going to try and score some union newsletters to see what kind of BS they are putting out.
I support George W. Bush for re-election. You need to visit his website today and look at a Video they have posted it is quite eye opening.
I hate laying around it just does not fit my personality. But I am getting quite a few things done I have been putting off for awhile.
Going to raid the fridge and see what is lurking and feed my face.
I have been searching for a website designer to do some work for quite awhile and had a fast response from a gentleman today. Hopefully we can get this site and a couple of others looking better with some customization and better graphics.
I am using MT version 3 on this site as I used a canned template but the Geek News site has to be cleaned up before I can roll it over and use the new version and from what I have read on the developers site he looks like he is the perfect candidate to do the job.
I also have registered a couple of domain names that I will keep under wraps for now but they are Navy Centric and will revolve around being a Chief Petty Officer (my perspective). I will have to be careful with what I say on the new site and have to come up with some personal posting guidelines. I am still active duty and what you say can hurt you so I will need to keep that in perspective.
Well I arrived home on the 15th and went to see my Neurosurgeon on the 16th he is pretty happy with what they did overseas and has put me on 30 days bed rest at home. Being not the type that likes to stay still this has me distressed a bit and I am sure after being home for the next month my wife is going to go stir crazy with me here.
My work is being great and the good thing about my job is it involves a great deal of computer work and I can do a lot at home. I spent 4-5 hours on the phone Thursday covering some issues so it is not like I am totally helpless.
But it is great to be back home with the kids and wife getting plenty of TLC. I told my daughter she could be my nurse and will make some extra allowance for helping dad around the house. Amazing what kids can do even when they are her age.
I have been getting a lot of e-mail from Family and Friends wanting more details here is what I sent my wife and mom and hopefully it will suffice.
There was some confusion my Injury was located at L1 and the fusion is between d12 to l2 I had compression-burst fracture and from what I have been reading I need to thank the lord for watching out for me as the majority of people that suffer this injury do not walk away. What is even more amazing is the bone fragments I had pushing against my spinal cord did not cut the spinal cord truly a miracle.
Spine Info