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Today reading a report of a flight from Detroit to Los Angles raised the hair on the back of my neck. I will let you read the article but I will make this point. American Airlines, United Airlines has clear stated policies about congregating in the back of the aircraft. I used to like and stand a lot during flights but have respected the wishes of the airlines and stayed in my seat. I am not sure how the folks on this flight kept calm but I would have been ready to rumble if I had be on the flight. This story is going to shock you. []
Update: Seems this is the story of the day and a bunch of people have weighed in. The story thus far is checking out and will more than likely be hitting major news outlets shortly. I am linking to some site that have interesting takes on the article. [Michelle Malkin] [Blogingham] [Instapundit Part 1] [Instapundit Part 2]
You would think this close to the DNC they would be getting the Fleet Center prepared very sad what is being reported. []
Here’s the deal I want you to go to the site I have referenced and take the test that is on that page. If you can honestly say you can answer more than 65% of those questions correctly I want you to leave me a comment. My guess is about 90% of the people in this country can not pass this test given to 8th graders in 1895. [8th Grade Exam]