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Archive for March, 2003

War on the Horizon

<P>I am about sick of hearing North Korea talking smack. I read an article today that said they were going to detonate a nuclear weapon in American cities if we attack them. Are they stark raving mad. Do they have any idea what we could do to them. I know the world is short on parking space but I would hate to have to see Japan have to deal with the nuclear fallout. I think we need to send some Prozac to the North Korean Dictator. What is even more amazing is that the Chinese are allowing these fools to do what they are doing. The Chinese need to go jack slap these idiots. </P>
<P>So far as Iraq goes well we all have pretty much seen the writing on the wall. His days are numbered and the Iraqi people are going to be set free. I predict they will fold like a deck of cards in under 72 hours. Saddam will be dead or in exile and we will be on the road to cleaning this mess up in the middle east. But I can imagine the Saudi’s are scared to death. I wonder how they will deal with a Democratic Iraq.</P>
<P>God Bless America the home of the strong.</P>

Iraqi Troops Surrender

Don’t tell me this war is going to take a long time the Iraqi soldiers are so scared they surrendered to live fire training. [<A href=”http://www.sundaymirror.co.uk/news/news/page.cfm?objectid=12715943&amp;method=full&amp;siteid=106694″>Sunday Mirror</A>]

I have been a very

I have been a very busy boy. Seems there are never enough hours in a day. Someday when I am rich and famous 😉 I will have myself a professional assistant that will take care of the BS that I have to deal with every day. I am headed back to Hawaii in a few days Kids and Wife are ready for Dad to be home and I have about a million things to do at home that will probably keep me busy for a few weeks. My time in Texas has went fast. I am looking forward to my high speed Internet connection again. Hotels need to get there act together and get broadband . I am staying at an Residence Inn and they are way behind the power curve. No Cable Modem No WiFi which is really sad.


<P>I have been playing with Groove for the past couple of weeks. I am simply amazed at what can be accomplished these days. </P>
<P>If you are reading this the post it was generated inside a Groove Space that I have setup. What is even more powerful if I authorize another Groove user to join the space they could then post to the weblog. For those that want to try this out download groove and when you get setup let me know and we will&nbsp;experiment with it some more. <A href=”http://www.groove.net”>www.groove.net</A> </P>