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This theme comes with detailed instructions on how to customize this area. You can also remove it completely.

This is a major milestone in one’s life and should be cherished but things are happening so fast that I can hardly keep up but I am going to enjoy it while I can.

You can find more info on my tech website and here is the link to the book on Amazon

If you want to help me out you can buy the book through my Amazon link on the Geek News Central website To Schedule an Interview with me contact [email protected]. I will also be at Gnomdex in June. Our Podcast number 64 talking about the details leading up to the books release is available now Here is the press release from the publisher


CONTACT: Johanna Wahl
[email protected]

Do It Yourself Guide

It’s like TiVo for audio programming. Podcasting, one of the newest crazes to hit the online world, enables subscribers to listen to audio content anytime, anywhere on their personal MP3 player, computer, or even cell phone. All they need to do is download some free software and sign up to receive automatic downloads of their favorite internet broadcasts be it music, news, or talk. Podcasting pushes content out to subscribers, providing them with continuous access to updated audio content of all kinds. Where does this content come from? It just so happens anyone can create his or her own podcast. PODCASTING: Do It Yourself Guide (Wiley; June 2005; $19.99), part of the ExtremeTech series, shows readers not only how to find, download, and listen to podcasts, but also how to create a podcast of their own.

Armed with a basic knowledge of PCs, weblogs, the Internet, and a copy of PODCASTING: Do It Yourself Guide, readers can become the hosts of their own radio-style show. Step-by-step instructions explain

-Creating a podcast with just a PC or Mac
-Building a more professional recording studio
-Integrating on-air phone calls, interviews, music and more
-Dealing with copyright, music ownership, creative commons, and RIAA issues
-Integrating advertising into broadcasts
-Hosting and distributing podcasts
-Understanding the geeky stuff RSS, XML and Enclosures

Podcasting has taken the online world by storm, and even some traditional radio stations have begun to experiment with delivering their content using this technology. But is doesn’t take a professional to create a podcast. PODCASTING: Do It Yourself Guide puts the power of broadcasting into the hands of anyone who feels they have something to say.

Todd Cochrane (Honolulu, HI) is the owner and host of Geek News Central, a popular technology news hub and weblog that serves more than 250,000 weekly visitors. Always on the cutting edge, Todd’s podcasts, which began in Oct 2004, were among the first, and after only 6 months had nearly 10,000 listeners with the audience growing at about 15% per month. The popularity of his podcasts has drawn the attention of Fortune 500 companies and he was one of the first to actually have advertisers on his podcast.

PODCASTING: Do It Yourself Guide
By Todd Cochrane
Published by Wiley
Publication Date: May 30, 2005
$19.99; Paperback; 314 pages; ISBN: 0-7645-9778-7

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My Son’s Picture back from Japan


My Wife arrived back from Japan and everytime she goes she has the kids pictures taken their at a local Japanese Studio wearing authentic traditional japanese kimono. I am sure you realize that men in Japan were Kimono’s also. Isn’t this the nicest picture you ever saw. I have a wall of these types of pics and like any father I am pretty damn proud.

This site along with about 30 others are now on a new dedicated server.

Pray for our Service Members this Christmas

Hug a service member this Holiday and Pray for them! [Training for Eternity]

Podcast of my Injury and some relections

I do not plan on putting up a regular podcast for this site but promised to produce one on my injury. Hope you enjoy it. [Injury Podcast]

Reflection on my Injury 4 months ago

It’s hard to believe that 4 months ago I was coping with a spine/vertebrae injury in which I was one of only 10% of the population to not suffer any paralysis. My recovery has been good considering the hardware in my back and having had to deal with a body brace for 3 months. Don’t get me wrong I am absolutely not complaining. When I was able to get online after my injury and read everything I could find on it, I knew life would have been much different if that bone spur that displaced my spinal cord by 60% had been sharp versus dull.

My family has a good friend and he has been paralyzed for over 35 years and when he told my mom told him of my injury and the pain that I endured he said take comfort in the pain because when I was propelled from my motorcycle and landed there was no pain. If that doesn’t make you sit back and appreciate life nothing will. Overall I am a inch shorter and physical therapy has been good. I can tie my shoes without grunting anymore and can actually almost touch my ankles.

My Cousin died a number of years ago from complications of her paralysis. With today’s news of Christopher Reeve death it makes me more than determined to do things to the best of my ability and to appreciate the small things like being able to tie my shoes.

I may do a personal Podcast and put it up on the net I have gotten pretty good at telling the story. Seems Doc Searls had a scare today also and you must think out all of your actions. [Doc Searls]

I read a piece today that is simply amazing. I would like all of you fence sitters out there and those thinking about voting for Senator Kerry to take 10 minutes and really read the linked article. If the piece does not make you sit up and really think about your choice nothing will. [Eject Eject Eject]

Citizen Smash cleans Kerrys clock

I was sitting down with a old salty retired sailor last night and we where talking about Senator Kerry and he made a comment that made me agree completely simply he said. “Were Fucked” if he is elected. Obviously his understanding of how the modern military works is very very dated. I have to agree and shudder to think of him as the next Commander in Chief.

Citizen Smash has hit the nail on the head with a very well written article and from my knowledge on the subject he is absolutely correct in his analysis and historical information. [The Indepundit]

Hello October

Wow where did the summer go. I will chalk up the summer of 2004 as a series of Highs and Lows. Luckily I am well on my way to full recovery it’s nice to be able to tie my own shoes again and the bad days are fewer than the good days. My doctor is pretty typical of most medical doctors these days in military medcine your just a number.

I am on the road again doing what I do best. My wife and I and the help of a bunch of good friends got us moved and we are settled into our new home and life is good. No complaints I’m walking and that is something to be very thankful for considering what happened.

Update on my Spine Injury and Recovery thus far

Those of you that where reading the site in June know I was severely injured in an accident overseas. I have spent the last 3 months in a body brace that has immobilized my spine and caused me great discomfort during the summer here in Hawaii. On Sept 1st the brace came off part time and life has been much better. My upper body strength is terrible and I have been visiting the physical therapist and he has been living up to the reputation that most PT have. I can’t bitch though as I could have been paralyzed. My recovery is on track and my doctor who is keeping track of my progress is predicting between March and June of next year before I am back a 100%. But I will tell you this it is nice to get out of the brace part time and I am looking forward to putting it away permanently in a couple of weeks. [Burst compression Fractures] [My Hardware]