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People have Eyes

I think&nbsp;the referenced article&nbsp;has hit the nail on the head as to why the majority of Americans like President George Bush, the article is such that even non Republicans can understand why he is so popular [<A href=”http://www.opinionjournal.com/columnists/pnoonan/?id=110004985″>WSJ</A>]

Democrats in Florida cross the line in taking out add to support a hit on the Secretary of Defense. What kind of bullshit is this, I suppose their desperate situation calls for desperate acts. I wonder if Kerry will accept any of their received donations. [<A href=”http://www.drudgereport.com/rc7r.htm”>The Drudge Report</A>]

The rest of the story

<P>Democrat left wingers are sure digging for anything they can to discredit President Bush and coming up with all kinds of conspiracy theories it is indeed sad that they can not see the bigger picture. The press is going nuts about all of these hostages in Iraq, don’t you think those that are in that country as part of the team trying to re-build the country or part of a relief organization understand the risk. The news organizations are having a field day but they have forget to cover the aspect that they are their of their own free will. </P>
<P>The military brothers and sisters are definitely ordered their but the last I checked the military is still a “ALL VOLUNTEER FORCE”. Those of you that are not aware of the Oath military members make of there own free volition need to do a google search and check it closely.</P>

Wow what a interesting 2

Wow what a interesting 2 weeks I spend&nbsp; 4-5 days on the east coast then I turn around and head out to Japan for 5 days my body has no idea what time zone it is in and it will not be getting much better. Otherwise it looks like I will get a chance to wind down a little and not have to put in so many hours for the next couple of weeks as I have completed a bunch of primary projects. We are basically just doing clean up work on paperwork. I will say the last 3 months has been some of the most intense I have ever had to deal with.

Re-Elect President George W. Bush

<P>As a first time financial contributor to a presdential campain I think it is important to put one’s money where his mouth is. I encourage you if you feel so inclined to visit the Bush / Cheney weblog and sign up for their newsletters and to volunteer for the campain. Republican Bloggers need to stand together to support the President. [<A href=”http://www.georgewbush.com/Blog/”>Bush-Cheney Weblog</A>]</P>
<P>My six year was reading what I was typing here and telling me that George Bush is the president on the penny, laughing slightly I had to explain it to him, he did the ahh shucks I knew that. </P>

I have been so busy

<P>I have been so busy with my other sites I have had no time to work on this site which is sad. But those of you visiting the website will know who I am voting for this year.</P>

Republicans better get busy Blogging

If you are a Republican Blogger we better get busy posting what we think about Senator Kerry. The majority of the main-line bloggers are Democrats and are out for blood.

Well everyone is up in

<P>Well everyone is up in arms today on the President saying he want to go for a Constitutional Amendment to ban Gay marriages. I am not sure where I sit on this one. With the media shoving the gay lifestyle down our throats every day along with all the other heavy sexual material I guess it is time to pull the plug on the old TV for a while. With the majority of the people in the US against Gay marriage if it ever reached the ballot I am sure it would win. Time will tell…</P>

I about fell out of my chair today when Janet Jackson Breast was exposed during the Half Time show. The <A href=”http://www.drudgereport.com/mattjj.htm”>Drudge Report</A> has a few revealing pictures and I am sure someone will extract the full scene from their TIVO and put the clip on the net. CBS and MTV who produced the show are claiming it wasn’t planned but the question is why would she have a tassle cover the nipple?

State of the Union All

<P>State of the Union</P>
<P>All I can say is the President know how to bring the house down and he delivered what I would describe as one of the most impressive speeches I have heard in several years. “4 more years, 4 more years, 4 more years”</P>