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I am very saddened by a story I have read today where a Iraq Veteran was called a baby killer and murderer during a 4th of July parade. Shame on those people everyone has their right to a opinion but do not start Vietnam tactics and insult the boys coming home. [Seattle PI]
You would think this close to the DNC they would be getting the Fleet Center prepared very sad what is being reported. []
Well seems since the Navy has to downsize by 7900 next year and the Air Force needing to downsize nearly 3 times that many the Army is looking to grab some of our sailors that are being forced out.
I really wonder how many of our sailors are going to want to trade Navy Blues for Cammies. The details have not been released but I am sure we will here a lot more about this in coming weeks. Here is the link it’s on the New York Times website so registration is required.[New York Times]
Seems several right leaning Bloggers where able to get press credebtials to the Democratic National Convention seems the DNC got cold feet and sent them a e-mail and canceled their credentials this is after they booked plane tickets and hotels. [INDC Journal] [John Tabin]
Bunch of Indian Givers
I am looking for 10 Republican bloggers for a project this project will be fast tracked launched within 10 days if I find the right people to help me with it. If you are interested send me a note at [email protected] If you have written anything political on your own site provide me some links.
This is a very very serious endeavor and will draw significant traffic through the election.